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Historical patterns and sustainability implications of worldwide bicycle ownership and use

Chen et al. haben einen globalen Datensatz für Fahrradbesitz und Fahrradnutzung für den Zeitraum 1962 bis 2015 erstellt, aufgeschlüsselt nach Ländern. Die Autorinnen und Autoren setzen den Fahrrad- und PKW-Besitz pro Kopf in Verbindung mit ungenutzten Klima- und Gesundheitsvorteilen.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 19.3.2024

Autor/in Chen, Wu | Carstensen, Trine Agervig | Wang, Ranran | Derrible, Sybil | Rojas Rueda, David | Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J. | Liu, Gang
Zeitschrift Communications Earth & Environment
Jahrgang August 2022
Heft 3
Sprache English


"Bicycles are widely recognized as an effective solution for reducing short-distance trip-related climate impacts and addressing sedentary lifestyle-caused chronic diseases. Yet, the historical patterns of global bicycle production, trade, stock, and use remain poorly characterized, preventing thorough investigation of its role in sustainable road transport transition. Here, based on a dynamic model and various data sources, we have compiled, to our knowledge, the first global dataset for bicycle ownership and use by country from 1962 to 2015. Our comparison between the historical development of per-capita bicycle ownership and car ownership reveals five varying types in an S-curve among different countries. High bicycle ownership does not necessarily lead to high bicycle use, which is instead still marginal in daily trips worldwide (<5% for most countries). A worldwide pro-bicycle policy and infrastructure development enabled modal shift like the Netherlands and Denmark can lead to significant untapped climate and health benefits."


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