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Cycling across the world

Das Marktforschungsunternehmen Ipsos hat im März/April 2022 mehr als 20.000 Menschen in 28 Ländern zu ihren Einstellungen zum Radfahren und ihrer Radnutzung befragt. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse dar.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 4.3.2024

Autor/in Jackson, Chris | Grimm, Robert | Pyhel, Joern
Herausgebende Institutionen


Jahrgang 2022
Sprache English

Auszug aus der Zusammenfassung

"A new Ipsos survey finds that most adults across 28 countries consider cycling plays an important role in the reduction of carbon emissions (on average, 86% do so) and in the reduction of traffic (80%). However, half (52%) say cycling in their area is too dangerous. The prevalence of cycling to run errands or to commute is highest in countries where it is most widely perceived as a safe mode of transportation such as China, Japan, and the Netherlands. In most countries surveyed, a solid majority of citizens are in favor of giving bicycles priority over automobiles in new infrastructure projects."


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