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The synergy of bicycles and public transport: a systematic literature review


Die Studie von Forschenden der Stavanger-Universität aus Norwegen verschafft einen Überblick über die vorhandene Literatur zur Kombination von Radverkehr und öffentlichem Verkehr. Die Studie identifiziert zum einen die Faktoren, die zu mehr Intermodalität in dieser Form führen. Sie untersucht zudem das Potenzial dieser Form der Intermodalität für städtische Verkehrssysteme.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 9.8.2023

Autor/in Kosmidis, Ioannis | Müller-Eie, Daniela
Zeitschrift Transport Reviews
Jahrgang Juni 2023
Sprache English


„This study is a review of the existing literature on the topic of bike-transit combination. The aim is two-fold: (i) to identify factors that influence its successful uptake, and (ii) to discuss the potential of the bike-transit combination and its impact on urban transport systems. The review showed that the bike-transit integration is complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors. These factors are mainly related to the quality of public transport, the cycling network and the integration of these two. Improving them can have a positive impact on bike-transit uptake. Land use and built environment characteristics also play an important role, suggesting that the local context plays a significant role on its successful uptake. In general, the review reveals that bike-transit has shown potential in improving the performance of existing public transport systems, by expanding catchment areas and improving accessibility, but its impacts on car use have not been explicitly studied. The review concludes that the bike-transit combination shows a promising path to sustainable urban mobility and is a topic worth further investigation. However, it also calls for more integrated research approaches and an explicit focus on which types of travel behaviour are substituted by the bike-transit combination.“


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