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The 20-minute city: An equity analysis of Liverpool City Region

Das Konzept der 20-Minuten-Stadt zielt darauf ab, dass Anwohnerinnen und Anwohnern die wichtigsten Dienstleistungen in ihrer Stadt in kurzer Zeit zu Fuß erreichen können. Die vorliegende Fallstudie untersucht das Konzept in Liverpool.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 31.1.2022

Autor/in Calafiore, Alessia | Dunning, Richard | Nurse, Alex | Singleton, Alex
Zeitschrift Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Jahrgang 2022
Heft 102
ISSN 1361-9209
Sprache English


The 20-minute city has become a popular urban planning policy to support low-transport neighbourhoods. Whilst meeting residents’ needs in local neighbourhoods is not a new concept, urban and transportation planners are increasingly being tasked with re-structuring transport and public services to facilitate people ‘living locally’. The existence of a 20-minute city is seen as a signifier of urban success and has taken on political acknowledgement through the pandemic, yet existing spatial inequalities contribute to the daunting headwinds in making active travel support an equitable city. In this paper, we provide a novel approach to identify where 20-minute neighbourhoods might exist within a large city region and assess how their existence aligns with socio-spatial inequalities.


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