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Review of City-Wide 30 km/h Speed Limit Benefits in Europe

Die vergleichende Studie betrachtet die Umsetzung von stadtweiten Tempo-30-Zonen in verschiedenen Ländern der EU. Angefangen mit der Stadt Graz, die schon 1992 solche Maßnahmen ergriffen hat, betrachtet die Studie die Maßnahmen in 40 Städten. Somit entsteht eine quantitative Grundlage, mithilfe derer das Autorenduo der Technischen Universität Athen Auswirkungen der Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf Verkehrsunfälle, Emissionen und Lebensqualität bemisst.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 18.7.2024

Autor/in Yannis, George | Michelaraki, Eva
Zeitschrift Sustainability
Jahrgang 2024
Heft 16 (11)
Sprache English


To date, there is limited scientific evidence with regard to the city-wide 30 km/h speed limit benefits. This forms the motivation of the current research, which aims at assessing the effectiveness of 30 km/h speed limits in Europe in terms of safety, emissions, energy, traffic,livability, and health. Particular emphasis in the current research will be given to highlight the effectiveness of city-wide 30 km/h speed limits and provide valid suggestions that could be an effective strategy for reducing road crashes, fatalities, and injuries. It is crucial to realize that in Europe where big parts of the cities are dense, city-wide 30 km/h speed limits are proven to save thousands of lives. The policy recommendation that would follow from this study is to implement city-wide 30 km/h speed limits, rather than 30 km/h speed limits in restricted areas of a city.


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